Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal School does not discriminate against any person, student, or employee on the basis of race, ethnicity, or gender. The school staff and administration upholds all education policies, admission policies, athletic and other school-administered program policies.
Re-Registration is NOT automatic. Students are invited back to Our Lady of Miraculous Medal School, based on parental involvment, fulfillment of financial responsibilities, the number of absences and tardies, behavior and overall academic performance. Re-registration forms must be completed by the deadline dates with a re-registration fee in order for students to be included on the following year’s roster.
15 service hours are asked of parents. Some examples of needed areas are: yard supervision, coaching, copies made at home, supply unpacking/organizing, lost and found organizing, used uniform organizing, assisting with picture day, vision screening, driving to games, and many other areas, Please inquire in the school office and/or look for help requests sent out in our communication envelope.
*Consult the parent handbook for a complete list of policies.